The latest national statistics on NHS inpatient elective admission events and outpatient referrals and attendances – quarter ending 30 September 2011 are published today.
These figures include data for England, strategic health authorities, and NHS trusts and primary care trusts.
Key points from the release were:
- decisions to admit increased by 3,456 (0.2%) remaining at 1.4 million
- number of elective admissions increased by 21,858 (1.8%) to 1.3 million
- GP referrals decreased by 120,293 (-4.0%) to 2.9 million
- other referrals increased by 47,759 (2.8%) to 1.8 million
- attendances at consultant outpatient clinics decreased by 95,994 (-2.2%) to 4.3 million
- total attendancesdecreased by 75,382 (-0.6%) to 13.2 million compared to quarter two 2010/11.